
How To Keep Toenails Clean And White

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The thing about nails is that they get discolored or stained pretty easily. And stained nails can turn out to be another cause of embarrassment because look unsightly. But do not fret, you can whiten your nails that have been stained with some effective home made remedies. The following tips and tricks will help you to un-stain your nails and make them shiny once again, so that you can stop feeling uncomfortable in front of others. Try these tips mentioned below and tell us which one worked for you the best.Also Read - Beauty Hacks: Hair Length, Skin Pores and 3 Other Things We Cannot Control, Expert Says

1. Use denture cleaner

You can get rid of the stain on your nails by soaking your nails in denture cleaner. Denture cleaners mainly contain Dilute sodium hypochlorite which is a mild bleach.  So the active ingredient in the denture cleanser works on the stain as it can strip the stains from any hard surface.  To use denture cleaner take a denture cleaner tablet and dissolve it in a dish of warm water.  Once the tablet is completely dissolved in the soak your hands in the liquid for five minutes. Then rinse your hands in warm water and pat dry with a clean towel. You will have to repeat this process a couple a times in a week to see improvement in the appearance of your nails. Also Read - Diwali 2021: 5 Best And Easy Eye Make-Up Looks That You Need To Try This Diwali, Watch Video

2. Use hydrogen peroxide and baking soda

Make a soak  from hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. The mix will work like an effective stain remover. To make the  hydrogen peroxide and baking soda solution mix  one teaspoon of  hydrogen peroxide and one tablespoon of baking soda with 125 ml hot water  in a small plastic bowl. Stir this solution with a spoon until the powder dissolves and then dip your nails into the solution for up to 10 minutes. Then wash you hands with soap and water and make sure you moisturize them well with cream as hydrogen peroxide can be harsh on your skin and strip away the moisture. Also Read - Festive Special Beauty Hacks: Easy Tips To For A Long Lasting Make-Up | Watch Video

3. Use lemon juice and soapy water

Use a solution of lemon juice and soapy water to get rid of the stain. You can find both easily in your kitchen cabinet.  So when you use this solution, the acidic properties of lemon juice will dissolve all the stain particles from your nails and the soap water will further ease the process.  To use this solution in one cup of water pour two tablespoon of liquid soap and one fourth cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Soak your nails in this solution for about five minutes. Wash your hands in running water and them moisturize them.

4. Use white vinegar

Colored vinegar can stain your nails,. so instead use white vinegar to get rid of the stains from your nails. The mild acid in the vinegar will strip away stain particles from hard surfaces. To use white vinegar to get rid of the stain, in one cup of warm water add one teaspoon to one tablespoon of distilled white vinegar. Soak your nails for about eight minutes and then rinse your hands under lukewarm water. After patting your hands with a clean towel apply a dollop of moisturizing cream or lotion.

5. Scrub your nails

If your nails are stained after using dark colored nail polish, wipe away the nail polish using a nail polish remover. Then use a nail scrub brush to scrub off the stains from your nails. You can also soak a cotton pad in acetone to scrub your nails. but this will only work if your nails are stained from dark nail paint.

6. Use baking soda paste

Prepare a baking soda paste using 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide with two and a half tablespoon of baking soda in a bowl. Stir the two ingredients and then using a cotton swab apply it onto your nails and also under the tip of your nails.   Leave this mixture for three minutes and then rinse it with warm water. Repeat this methoda every six weeks to get noticeable results.

7. Rub lemon juice

The acidic lemon juice will work well on the stains on your nails. All you have to do is  run the flesh of a leftover lemon directly on your nails for about 30 to 60 seconds. Or else dip a cotton swab in lemon juice and run it over your nails. Let is sit for about half an hour and then rinse your hands with warm water. Make sure your moisturize your hands post this.

8. Use lemon juice and baking soda paste

Mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with 2 to 3 tablespoon of baking soda and stir them in a bowl. Using a cotton swab apply the paste on your nails and also underneath each nail. After about 15 minutes wash it off with soap and water.

9. Use lemon salt scrub

Using lemon and salt is another effective home remedy. The lemon will work on the stains and the salt will act as a gentle buffer to buff away the stain and polishing your nails at the same time. To use lemon and salt scrub, combine equal parts of lemon juice and salt and then scrub it on your nails. Leave this for about five minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water. Moisturize your hands after this with a moisturizing cream or lotion.

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beautyBeauty hacksBeauty TipsDIYnail stain

Published Date: January 18, 2017 9:27 PM IST

How To Keep Toenails Clean And White


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